My thoughts, my life, my world- in words

My thoughts, my life, my world- in words

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Getting Through Your Bad Day

I woke up this morning, feeling completely out of sorts. I kept my eyes closed, remaining in the same position that I had woken up in, just allowing the overwhelming emotion to consume me.  

This has happened quite a few times in my life, and I wondered if others, besides me, experience it, too.

It’s this hollowness that just wraps around you, and it’s like your mind takes you on a journey you’d really rather not have gone on, because you don’t want to be forced to look at your weak, bad, sad and terrible life moments. Throughout, you’re searching, reaching and trying to clutch at something good – anything – but only the negatives are coming up.

It ends up becoming something that is impossible to shake, and so the only real option, is to push through it, while hoping that tomorrow is better, until the day ends.

So, how does one ‘push’ through exactly?


My day is almost over, and I am still not feeling 100%, but I did get through it to this point without any damage to myself or another person or thing.



Before I got out of bed, while lying with my eyes still closed in the foetal position, I made a mental note that I am not feeling myself, and I accepted it.

It may sound silly, but to accept what one is feeling, is almost like getting through half the battle already.

You won’t go through the day, looking for reasons behind your ‘down’ feeling in the people you come into contact with, or anything else for that matter, if you accept that this is what you are feeling, and that it’s okay to feel this way every now and then.

Talk to yourself if you must, telling yourself that you are not a bad person, and also that just because you’re reflecting on some unhappy memories in your life, doesn’t mean that there are only negatives; that it’s just one of those days, and most importantly, remember to be gentle with yourself.



Most of us have heard the song ‘Smile’ by Nat King Cole (or maybe not- it is a rather ancient song, but assuming since it’s a classic), where he croons that one should smile through the pain, sorrow, sadness, fear, and all the other emotions that can make us feel so absolutely horrible.

The thing is that there really is no reason to walk around frowning just because we’re feeling under the weather. It is unfair to the people around us, because most of the time, they have no direct influence on how we are feeling. It is also unfair to expect them to just accept a bad mood or a hanging face from us on such days, and then the very next day, expect them to fall into step when we’re feeling alright again. If the most you can manage is the slightest curl of your lip, then fine but do at least explain how you’re feeling to those you’re around you then- it’s the respectable thing to do.

Either way, we should try to smile through whatever we may be feeling inside, because there is a great chance that we might end up feeling better, even if only slightly.

I found that chuckling at a joke, smiling at the little girl who was in front of me in the queue and making a point to keep the frown off my face, took the edge and rawness off the negative feeling inside me.

Of course realistically, my day didn’t magically become brighter, but it didn’t feel as gloomy, so just try smiling… even if it’s at your reflection in the mirror.



Sometimes, taking a 1-2 hour nap can make the hugest difference in how one feels. It’s almost as if you wake up and see things in a whole new light.

I’m not sure why, but maybe your body is not completely rested when you awake in the morning, or perhaps your sleep was filled with dreams that disturbed your mental wellbeing, which could have resulted in your emotional state, but at times, taking a nap leaves one feeling more restored.

If you are not able to take a nap, then take a time out of around fifteen minutes at least, to just relax. Do not be busy with anything. Just sit back, take deep breaths, and ‘be’.



Do something that you love doing, even if it’s only for a few minutes. The things that we love doing are usually the same things that we are good at, which, when done, leave us feeling good, both about what we’ve done/achieved, as well as about ourselves.

Keeping yourself busy - especially when it is with something that you enjoy doing - will also distract your mind from the factors within your life that you could well do without thinking about.



The unfortunate reality is that people and circumstances will happen during our trying times that will test our patience as well as our temper.

The only advice that I have is to try counting to whichever number you feel is best, close your eyes while picturing your favourite things, take a few deep breaths, or do whatever it is that you do to remain calm.

It is important not to lose your cool, because the truth is that it can only further harm you. Do not get lost in problems that you need not even give energy to.

Bite through whatever might irk you, remembering that this bad day will not last forever, so it would be really futile to make a lasting issue out of a bad day.


I am now closer to my day ending, and I have done all of the above, and I can truthfully say that I feel much better.

I would be lying if I said that I don’t feel any of the negative emotions I was feeling when I awoke this morning, but I honestly do feel less of it now.

I hope that this will helps you too J

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