My thoughts, my life, my world- in words

My thoughts, my life, my world- in words

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Blog Par-tay with Anna from Banana and Bear

I am relatively new to blogging, and so it isn't a surprise that this is the first time I heard about a blog party; I have to admit- I am quite excited about being a part of this one :)

The invite is above, and is open to all bloggers. It allows for interaction with other bloggers and there's a competition to take part in!!! How much fun is this?!

To find out what you have to do to participate, click here, which basically requires one to answer all questions which I answer below. You will find competition details there, too.

So without further ado, here are the answers to the questions:

1. Favorite Season: I love Winter. Maybe it's because I love hot chocolate?
2. Favorite Color: Black.
3. Favorite Author: I totally love Joyce Carol Oates.
4. Thing that inspires you most: Reading other writers' works and people.
5. Favorite thing about blogging: The ability to write what I want freely, share my feelings, views and writing, with the added benefit of receiving feedback and the interaction it provides.

I love this idea :)

- Yentl. T. De Luna


  1. Thanks so much for doing it! :) :) :)
    -Anna <3

    1. Thank YOU!! It's been great :)
      ** Yentl :)
